Repair & Refurbishment
In today’s market the replacement of assemblies & systems can become uneconomical and lead to integration issues with newer systems. We cover many market sectors and types of systems be it electrical or mechanical based.
We have the expertise to refurbish and repair complex assemblies to as new condition while resolving any obsolescence issues encountered. We often find that some components within systems are no longer supported and should any of these fail it could cause significant down time for clients.
In this case we can utilise modern equivalents or design new components to alleviate this concern for the client. We also encounter situations where systems have been installed for many years and have never worked correctly. We will always take the opportunity to discuss and resolve these issues for the client.
We follow an internal process as per ISO 9001-2018 for all projects:

Mechanical & Hydraulic
Site Visit (if required)
System, Assembly or component arrives for Inspection
Basic Inspection to allow Quote for client
Quote, Inspection Report and Scope of work sent to client
Client Approval for works
System, Assembly or component dismantled
Any components failing inspection put into Quarantine
Assembly or component Cleaned and assessed
Assembly or component sent for works such as blasting & re-coating
Seals or perishables replaced
Assembly and components moved to re-assembly bays
System, Assembly or component is reassembled
System, Assembly or component moved to Test Workshop to undergo Testing and client witness off.

Site Visit (if required)
System, Assembly or component arrives for Inspection
Basic Inspection may include component testing to allow Quote for client
Quote, Inspection Report and Scope of work sent to client
Client Approval for works
Any components failing inspection put into Quarantine
Assembly or component Cleaned and assessed
Failed components upgraded or components replaced
System, Assembly or component moved to Test Workshop to undergo Testing and client witness sign off.